Anda sering kelupaan menaruh barang barang kecil? Saya punya sebuah tips untuk anda. Tips ini saya dapatkan dari dosen fisika saya di ITB, Pak Acep Purqon. Tipsnya adalah memakai celana atau rompi yang berkantong banyak. Dengan banyaknya kantong di pakaian, anda bisa menyimpan banyak barang kecil seperti kunci, flashdisk, obat, dompet dan lain lain. Menyimpan barang-barang tersebut di pakaian, dapat memperkecil risiko menaruh barang di sembarang tempat dan melupakannya. Semoga tipsnya bermanfaat, terimakasih.
Do you sometimes forgot where you put your little stuffs? I have a tips for you. I got this tip from my physics lecturer in ITB, Mr. Acep Purqon. The tips are wearing a pants or a vest with a lot of pockets. With many pockets, you could put many little things such as key, flashdisk, medicine, wallet and many others. Putting your little things in the pockets could reduce the risk of losing them. Hopefully the tips is useful, thanks.
Do you sometimes forgot where you put your little stuffs? I have a tips for you. I got this tip from my physics lecturer in ITB, Mr. Acep Purqon. The tips are wearing a pants or a vest with a lot of pockets. With many pockets, you could put many little things such as key, flashdisk, medicine, wallet and many others. Putting your little things in the pockets could reduce the risk of losing them. Hopefully the tips is useful, thanks.
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